“Do You Know The Way To San Jose” — Dionne Warwick

No Words, No Song
5 min readJan 12, 2020
Photo by C Drying on Unsplash

Pretty much all of us dream of fame and fortune. We all want to be adored by millions of fans, live in mansions and drive around in a Rolls-Royce.

That’s the dream we’re sold as kids, but frankly the stats aren’t good.

For every global mega-superstar, there are millions who tried but didn’t quite make it. Many are accepting of that, and grateful just to have had the chance of giving it a shot. Others are scarred by the experience, worn down from being manipulated to fill someone else’s bank account and left distraught by memories of mental or physical abuse along the way.

We might not have sabre-tooth tigers to worry about any more, but there are agents and managers in the movie world and the music industry who come pretty close…

“Do You Know The Way To San Jose” is a story about someone who tried their best, but never quite made it.

Like so many, they set off from a small-ish town…don’t forget “Do You Know The Way To San Jose” was written in 1968, long before San Jose became the beating hub of the global tech industry…to seek fame and fortune in LA…(maybe nowadays they’d stay in San Jose and try to get a programming job at Apple…)

In a week, maybe two, they’ll make you a star
Weeks turn into years, how quick they pass



No Words, No Song

Without words, it’s just a nice tune. Add words — now you’ve got a song. And songs can change your world. I write about some that changed mine.